Photo of mabel travasso Argentina

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Since childhood I remember crayons and pinturitas.

At age 7 I started to draw, at age 12 I went to painting and drawing, in my hometown Mar del Plata. I graduated at 16 with a wonderful teacher Encarnacion Cadavid.

He took up painting after many years learning the art fascinates me hyper. I admire the sculptor

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Photo of mabel travasso Argentina

Since childhood I remember crayons and pinturitas.

At age 7 I started to draw, at age 12 I went to painting and drawing, in my hometown Mar del Plata. I graduated at 16 with a wonderful teacher Encarnacion Cadavid.

He took up painting after many years learning the art fascinates me hyper. I admire the sculptor Rodolfo Insaurralde, Juan Lazcano, great artists of my country, I make my works on canvas and oil work. With Professor Insaurralde learned to see things and to transmit them to the web.

He participated in several exhibitions in the underline "> HOTEL HERMITAGE, SHERATON HOTEL, MY WATER PLAZA MAR DEL PLATA CITY. I did several seminars with master Insaurralde Rodolfo, Ricardo Celma teacher, Mrs. Liliana Marcela De Mita Ziliotto and all great artists of Hyperrealism.

Now I'm in another stage, I attended a workshop with an excellent new plastic artist Miguel Angel Protsman
and I discovered the fascinating world of cake, I am very happy to keep learning every day a little more to it which is my passion: painting.

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